12 Mar 2025, Wed

How to Maximize Your Artificial Turf

To make the most of your new artificial turf, you should know how to care for it. There are many ways to make your new turf look great. Here are a few tips. First, avoid letting weeds grow through your turf. Second, be aware of the cost of your turf.

Installing Artificial Turf

Installing artificial turf can be a challenging and time-consuming process. If you’re installing a large lawn, you’ll probably need several friends or a professional to assist you. Before you start, it’s essential to spray the area with a weed killer. You can use Round-Up, but apply it two weeks before the project. This will kill the plant matter right down to its roots.

You’ll also need to remove a few inches of soil. This step is crucial to the stability of the installation. Cutting corners during base preparation can result in uneven ground, dips and bumps, and ground movement. Some artificial grass installers use a power broom to help spread the infill evenly across the installation area. The cheapest infill for your new lawn is silica sand, a combination of crushed quartz and other minerals. However, you can also use thatch yarn fibers to give your turf a more luxurious look and increase its recovery rate.

Whether you’re installing turf for a balcony or terrace, preparing the area for installation is vital. You’ll need to dig out at least 7.5 cm deep soil. You may also need to use dirt to level the ground. After dropping the earth, you’ll need to install a weed barrier and create a slight grade to ensure proper drainage.

Maintaining Artificial Turf

When you have an artificial turf lawn, one of the first steps in turf maintenance Kent it is to clean it periodically. You can use a brush or rake to remove larger debris. Smaller debris can be cleaned up with a light hose rinse. Ideally, you should do this cleaning at least twice per month. However, some areas will require more frequent cleanings. For example, areas with heavy foot traffic will require weekly brushing.

Winter weather can also impact artificial turf. In these situations, a snow thrower can remove surface snow without damaging the turf. Windstorms can also cause debris to settle on the turf. If your turf is susceptible to wind damage, consider hiring a company that provides cleaning services. This way, you can extend the life of your turf field.

You should also be aware of the spills and stains on your turf. While most types of turf are resistant to permanent staining, you should still clean it regularly to prevent stains from occurring. To clean stains, use a mild detergent solution or a sponge. If colors are more stubborn, use mineral spirits to remove them.

Preventing Weeds from Growing Up Through It

During the installation process, it is essential to eliminate weeds. This includes removing a good layer of soil from the base of the turf and replacing it with an absorbent substrate that allows for better drainage than sod. Weeds are then prevented from growing through the artificial grass by applying a weed barrier. This barrier is generally laid between the dirt and the sub-base.

Weed fabric is a non-woven sheer black fabric designed to prevent weeds from growing through an artificial grass installation. It allows for proper drainage and is available in six-foot rolls for maximum coverage. It is highly effective in preventing weeds from growing up through artificial turf. It must be installed on a clean subgrade.

For weeds to grow, they need access to moisture and nutrients in the soil. But, if you have artificial grass in your yard, weeds can’t get these nutrients through the synthetic turf’s woven backing. Without water, weed seeds will not be able to germinate or survive. It also prevents water from pooling in low areas.

Cost of Artificial Turf

Several factors affect the cost of artificial turf. The first is the amount of material required. This material typically comes in rolls that are 15 feet wide. If your lawn is irregularly shaped, the amount of waste you will need to dispose of will be more significant. However, you can save on this by spreading mulch in the area. Also, the labor cost will depend on your installation type. If you hire an expert to install your new turf, you’ll likely spend a few thousand dollars.

Next, you’ll need to purchase tools to install the turf. You’ll need a wheelbarrow, shovel, mallet, landscaping staples, and heavy-duty scissors. You can also buy pre-cut turf rolls and leave them on the shelves to save money.